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the dart factory

A few too many injuries from contact sports saw a group of friends take up darts to keep their competitive edge. As darts popularity continued to grow so did the Dart Factory, giving rise to the inception of Dart World Australia.
The original location for these "friendly" games were the garages of a couple of original members.

More and more people started to join in. The finishing times got later and later. When it was the norm to be finished at 1am or even later. Once the wives started to complain the group new it was time to look for a more suitable venue

It took a couple of weeks for them to find a factory, put a few darts boards up, build the all important bar, and kick off the regular Tuesday night boys darts night.

The Dart Factory was born.

This continued for 10 years before it was decided to open up a darts shop one day a week. The idea was to sell a few darts, boards, stems, flights and other accessories. 

Darts was becoming more popular on TV, and it was obvious that the sport would continue to grow.

The "boys" still play on a Tuesday night. The games remain as competitive as ever. The banter never grows old and the friendships remain as strong as they were when they were playing cricket and soccer together.
In 2007 Dart World Australia made its debut at Carribean Gardens & Market. For 18 months, Dart World Australia would set up its stall at the markets. Handing cards out and selling a few boards, trying to promote the game within the local area. 

Dart World Australia has always given back to the game, either via player sponsorships, or helping local clubs and pubs set up their darting facilities.

Thirteen years on, the "market stall"  has growing into a a full time business. The physical shop is located where the original Dart Factory was located.

Dart World Australia offers a unique experience for people looking to buy a set of darts. Under the guidance of the Dart World Australia's staff, players can try out different styles of darts, so that they can find the perfect set up for them. There are too many stories of people just buying sets of darts online, throwing them for 20 minutes, and them putting them in a draw never to see the light of day again.

The ethos of Dart World Australia is to find the right set of darts for everyone, regardless if it take 10 minutes or 3 hours to find the correct darting set-up. Dart World Australia has developed a unique process focussing on the "3C's" of darts, comfort, consistency and control. 

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Dart World Australia